Red roofs and water

 I was thinking why don't I take you to Europe to show you something very distinguished? Lots of European cities were built on hills and rivers. They strike us with levelled landscape and blind us with sudden colourful spots against the modest pastel walls. Their architecture is an example of the finest work people have ever made. Get ready for the first part of a three-part journey to the land of red roofs - Prague.

Prague wasn't my first choice. But while I was dreaming of Scotland, the circumstances unfolded in an interesting way, and here I was, in Czech.

Prague is the place where Gothic monasteries and cathedrals sing in tandem with red roof tiles. Where cobblestone echoes are sonorous, and trams are as popular as buses. Where water never meets skies, separated by the intricate bridges' pattern.

Can you see the patches on the river surface with edges marked by blindingly white gulls, like sea foam? They're so tranquil as if they don't have no other business for today - no fish to catch, no trash bags to destroy - just to claw the waves and dream.

I would say that you can see a lot of Bavarian influence in Prague. But why don't you judge for yourself and just enjoy the first part of my pictures, soaking up the mood?

Doesn't it look like a picture from a fairy tale? "Once upon a time in a distant kingdom there was a princess..."

The iconic view from the other bank of the river, where tourists like to feed swans.

Water has several different colours in Prague. I guess it depends on the mood of the city. When it's gloomy, the river gets this brownish tone, right before the snow or rain. When Prague is calm, the water turns grey with the slightest teal accent, as a promise. Blue is the colour of joy.

And my promise is to show you more next time.


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